Hugo Boss – Hugo Woman Extreme

Hugo Boss - Hugo Woman Extreme
Hugo Boss – Hugo Woman Extreme

At the end of 2015, you could not miss the spellbinding gaze of the handsome Theo James without looking back. Indeed, this seducer was the incarnation of the new male fragrance Boss The Scent . This fragrance has made a lot of talk about it and symbolizes all the refinement of the Hugo Boss house pushed to its climax. Also, the only small downside was that women started to envy men a bit for having such a prestigious essence. It is in this sense that the Hugo Boss house decided to launch the new Hugo Woman Extreme, an even more prestigious version of the famous Hugo Woman.

The new feminine essence of Hugo Boss

It is only a matter of weeks before you see a new bottle all dressed in pink appear in the perfume department. Indeed, Hugo Boss will soon launch the new Hugo Woman Extreme. It will then be contained in a bottle reminiscent of that of its predecessor simply named Hugo Woman. It will adopt a round and very minimalist shape playing in transparency. Its glass case will then reveal its tender rosé juice, particularly feminine. In addition, it will be topped with a particularly elegant metal cabochon. On the scent side, here too, refinement is essential. The new Hugo Woman Extremewill open with particularly invigorating scents. One will find there in particular the sparkling aspect of the blackberry of Boysen associated with red grass of the Himalayas. The rendering will then be particularly energizing and will perfectly symbolize the assertive and confident woman seen by Hugo Boss. The heart, meanwhile, will evolve towards more lightness and delicacy. It will consist of an enormous bouquet of white flowers and will deliver a flood of jasmine. Finally, Hugo Woman Extreme will end its race with a scent of oriental osmanthus. This ingredient from Asia is particularly prestigious. It is reserved for fine perfumery and its rarity makes it particularly noble. It then delivers exotic and suave tones somewhat reminiscent of apricot. The new Hugo Woman Extreme has everything to seduce you: vitality,

The story of Hugo Woman Extreme

If the scent of the new Hugo Woman Extreme is beautiful and very new, its story, on the other hand, does not date from yesterday. Indeed, this one is very inspired by its ancestor Hugo Woman, born in 1997. Moreover, the bottles of these two essences bring together many similarities. Hugo Woman was then a perfume for independent, free, rebellious and attractive women. This floral and fruity was marketed until 2013. It was then replaced, in 2015, by a new version aimed at the new generation of women. However, this new essence retained the spirit of its elder who had appeared twenty years earlier. Hugo Boss simply wanted to modernize its essence while keeping the elements that made its former glory. Hugo Woman then became the fragrance for women wishing to explore new trends. All in lightness, he inspired freedom. He simply made you want to follow his instinct, to let himself be guided by his imagination and to let his inventiveness speak. Also, this is still what it is about in this new version. This one is simply worked in a little more prestigious way. Its refinement is enhanced through its rigorously selected ingredients, but the original spirit is still very much present.